New Irony Street Art in Derry

Here we are taking a look at the second work Irony hit up during our week in Derry, which for us was the highlight of our recent trip to Northern Ireland, namely this little impromptu fox Irony dropped with scrap tins at the last minute before we left town.

Placed up on the Praxis Centre who work with adults with learning disabilities and is located just around the corner from the large wall (previous post) Irony had been working on for the week in Rosemount. A wall which struck such a cord with everyone from Praxis when they passed by midweek, they then went from the wall to the centre and decided to have an art class focused on depicting a deer with a plastic bag in its antlers and everyone creating their vision of the concept being constructed around the corner. The staff at the centre were keen on us adding something to their property and fortunately Irony found some time at the end of our visit to Derry to paint this little section of wall next to the bins, resulting in this fun barking fox hanging around the bins, fusing a sense of realism about the fox and a more illustrative aura around it in the shadow and Keith Haring-esque bark lines with what colours remained from the last wall. Respect to the staff who were trusting enough to let us get on with things whilst having no idea what was going to happen before hand, allowing Irony to leave this for the centre and everyone in the area to enjoy. It’s this level of engagement from locals in an area when we paint that makes what we do so rewarding.

Big thank you to everyone at Praxis for the hospitality and being so cool trusting us to hit up a unspecified artwork at such short notice before we left town. As well as a massive thank you to Irony for finding the time and more so the energy to paint this fabulous addition to the Praxis Centre for everyone to enjoy. Especially at such short notice – we only got the final permission a couple of hours before Irony painted it. First class improvisation skills there.












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